Loose fitting sleepwear may cause the monitor to lose contact with the baby and false alarm. Make sure baby silkscreen on the device is in the same direction as baby's body position to avoid wrong position readings. The sleepwear should fit snugly on the baby with the Sense-U baby device clipped around belly button. Important: Snug fit sleepwear(diaper/pants/etc) is essential for the operation of the Sense-U Baby. The monitored baby must sleep in his/her own separate bed as the monitor may detect the abdominal movement of any other person sharing the bed with the baby and will not alarm as long as it detects movement.

Sense-U Baby should not be relied upon where external sources of movement are present. Movement from external sources such as being pushed in a bassinet or traveling in a vehicle may be detected by Sense-U Baby’s device.Make sure your smartphone is not in Do Not Disturb
Grey round apple airport base station manual for android#
For Android device, make sure Media Volume is switched on in Settings->Sounds and vibration->Volume.

For Android phones, please make sure Location is enabled for the Sense-U App in Settings->Connections->Location, and Settings->Apps->Sense-U Baby->Permissions. Bluetooth of your smart device needs to turn on to pair.5GHz WiFi and public WiFi like the ones at the airport are not supported). The Base Station only works with 2.4GHz WiFi networks.The Sense-U Baby monitor is not a medical device, so it is not intended to prevent or monitor a disease, or condition such as Obstructive Apnea.